We are the North East Essex
Health & Wellbeing Alliance



We are a collective of government, healthcare and voluntary organisations, we work together to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.

Why An Alliance?

We recognise that a wide number of factors can influence a person’s wellbeing.  As you can see from this diagram, adapted from the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute’s County Health Ranking model (2010), health care only accounts for 20% of a person’s wellbeing.

Percentage of factors influences mental health North East Essex Alliance

Working in an alliance way ensures that different partners can work together across organisational and financial boundaries to address the causes of the causes.  There is no quick fix but by coming together collaboratively and taking a preventative, rather than reactive approach, we have the best chance of success.

Our Communities

communities graphic

North East Essex has a fast-growing population of over 355,000.

From bustling coastal towns to rural countryside villages. Our communities carry their own unique identities and vary greatly in demographic and need. As an Alliance, we work together to support our neighbourhoods to achieve the goals that are important to them.

This is how the neighbourhoods have been zoned in north east Essex.  As far as possible they follow ward and district boundaries, are sympathetic to the new primary care groupings and cover populations of 50,000.  Each has a multi-disciplinary team who are empowered and supported to deliver the Live Well outcomes within their area.

Neighbourhood map with signposts

The can do logo which is the branding for the Suffolk and north east Essex integrated care system.

Our Alliance is part of a wider system that sits within the Suffolk and North East Essex (SNEE) Integrated Care System ICS.

Our Members

  • Anglian Community Enterprise Anglian Community Enterprise (ACE)
  • Care UK logo Care UK
  • Colchester Borough Council Colchester Borough Council
  • Community 360 logo Community 360
  • CVS Tendring logo Community Voluntary Services Tendring
  • East of England Ambulance Service East of England Ambulance Service
  • ESNEFT logo East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust
  • Essex County Council black Essex County Council
  • EPUT logo Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
  • GP Primary Choice GP Primary Choice
  • Healthwatch Essex logo Healthwatch Essex
  • North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group NHS North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group
  • St Helena logo St Helena
  • Tendring District Council Tendring District Council
  • Virgin Care Virgin Care

Our Work

We are taking a localised approach. 

By understanding our community, we can help to build on what is strong, not what is wrong.  Working collaboratively we are able to ensure we use the resources we have available to get the best value for our residents.

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