Our work
The Live Well Model
To support our vision of reducing inequality and ensuring we focus on the wider determinants of health, the Alliance has adopted the Live Well model to make certain our communities are supported and empowered at each stage of their life to be as well as possible.
We refer to the leaves on the trees as domains.
For each domain, the Live Well model allows us to:
- Define what good looks like
- Create neighbourhood profiles and develop locally targetted delivery models
- Measure and prioritise funding, resources and activities where they are needed most

Click here for more information on the Die Well domain.
We are using what is called an asset-based community development (ABCD) approach which means that we are looking to our communities to understand what already exists and is working for them. This is not about us coming in from above and ‘doing to’ but rather coming alongside and ‘doing with’.
The ABCD approach is based on four key principles:
- Asset-based – identifying what is ‘strong’ NOT what is ‘wrong’
- Citizen-led – where residents lead change and are active participants in making the change in their communities
- Based on partnership and collaboration – by working together, residents and organisations can maximise their potential and use the skills and assets they have
- Inclusion focused – being flexible and aiming to reduce boundaries and barriers that may exist
In addition to this approach, we very much recognise the challenge surrounding inequality and have adopted the principles set out in the Marmot approach as outlined in “Fair Society, Healthy Lives: The Marmot Review”.
The Process
We need to:
- Understand the story in each neighbourhood
- Write the action plan in order to define ….
- … what we all want the story to be in northeast Essex
This is a fluid, ever-evolving process, designed to meet the needs of the local population.